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Taxation of asset-managing real estate partnerships in a group of companies

After assisting with several tax audits for various clients in the real estate sector, Patrick Bubeck and Dr Tobias Stiegler are currently working on a...

Outbound investments: Tax-neutral repayment of capital from foreign corporations - Federal Ministry of Finance creates clarity

If a shareholder invests taxed funds in a corporation, the mere re-distribution of the investment amounts must not be subject...

ECJ and BFH abandon case law: No deduction of so-called final foreign permanent establishment losses

In its ruling of 22 February 2023, the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) made an important and final decision for German companies operating internationally: According to this...

Hybrid financing: New BMF circular on the tax treatment of profit participation capital

Equity and debt capital are treated completely differently for tax purposes; in particular, interest on operating debt capital is tax-deductible, while dividends from equity and debt capital are...

BFH: Exit taxation and "merely temporary absence"

A typical case of application of exit taxation pursuant to Section 6 AStG is a taxpayer resident in Germany with a significant shareholding in a...

Rising interest rates and transfer prices

After a long period of record low interest rates, the era of cheap money is definitely over. The steep rise in interest rates in recent...


Growth Opportunities Act: Partnerships (finally) receive a sensible retention option (Section 34a EStG as amended)

More than 15 years after the introduction of the regulation with the creation of a two-stage special rate for retained profits of partnerships preparing balance sheets, the...

Transfer pricing check at the turn of the year 2023/2024

We also recommend that you take a look at your transfer pricing landscape at the end of 2023 in order to take any necessary measures in good time for the current...

Asset-managing GmbH - advantages and disadvantages from a tax perspective

In the context of medium and long-term capital and tangible assets, the GmbH offers a number of advantages compared to direct investments in...

Undesired healing of a corporate body confirmed

An upside-down world: The healing of an income tax group threatened with failure is generally regarded as desirable. However, the Federal Fiscal Court's...

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